const { getEndpointIdByName } = require("@layerzerolabs/lz-sdk") task("makeChainPathsActive", "activate the chainPaths for a pool") .addParam("poolId", "the pool id to create chain paths for") .addParam("targetNetworks", "csv network names to connect the local pool to remotely") .addParam("dstPoolIds", "csv of dstPoolIds to create chain paths for") .setAction(async (taskArgs) => { const Router = await ethers.getContractFactory("Router") const routerAddr = (await hre.deployments.get("Router")).address const router = await Router.attach(routerAddr) // get Factory to get pool const Factory = await ethers.getContractFactory("Factory") const factoryAddr = (await hre.deployments.get("Factory")).address const factory = await Factory.attach(factoryAddr) // get Pool let Pool = await ethers.getContractFactory("Pool") let poolData = await factory.getPool(taskArgs.poolId) let pool = await Pool.attach(poolData) let dstPoolIds = taskArgs.dstPoolIds.split(",") let targetNetworks = taskArgs.targetNetworks.split(",") for (let targetNetwork of targetNetworks) { let dstChainId = getEndpointIdByName(targetNetwork) for (let dstPoolId of dstPoolIds) { let chainPathIndex = await pool.chainPathIndexLookup(dstChainId, dstPoolId) let chainPath = await pool.chainPaths(chainPathIndex) if (chainPath.ready == true) { console.log( `✅ ${} > activateChainPath: poolId:${taskArgs.poolId} dstChainId:${dstChainId} dstPoolId:${dstPoolId} | *already active* ` ) continue } let tx = await (await router.activateChainPath(taskArgs.poolId, dstChainId, dstPoolId)).wait() console.log( `✅ ${} > activateChainPath: poolId:${taskArgs.poolId} dstChainId:${dstChainId} dstPoolId:${dstPoolId}` ) console.log(` -> tx: ${tx.transactionHash}`) } } })