const { getEndpointIdByName } = require("@layerzerolabs/lz-sdk") module.exports = async function (taskArgs, hre) { let accounts = await ethers.getSigners() let owner = accounts[0] // me console.log(`owner: ${owner.address}`) // get the destination chainId const srcChainId = getEndpointIdByName( const dstChainId = getEndpointIdByName(taskArgs.targetNetwork) // factory / router const factory = await ethers.getContract("Factory") const router = await ethers.getContract("Router") // get the token from the router let Pool = await ethers.getContractFactory("Pool") let poolData = await factory.getPool(taskArgs.poolId) // return stg lp address let pool = await Pool.attach(poolData) let tokenAddr = await pool.token() let withdrawLpQty = taskArgs.qty if (withdrawLpQty == 0) { withdrawLpQty = await pool.balanceOf(owner.address) } console.log(`${}[${srcChainId}] redeemLocal poolId:${taskArgs.poolId} tokenAddr: ${tokenAddr}`) console.log(` -> dstChainId: ${dstChainId} , removing ${taskArgs.qty} LP`) //return let tx = await ( await router.redeemLocal( dstChainId, taskArgs.poolId, // source pool id taskArgs.dstPoolId, owner.address, // refund address withdrawLpQty, // amount LP to remove corresponds to the liquidity to remove owner.address, // to { dstGasForCall: 300000, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x" }, { value: ethers.utils.parseEther("2") } // send native value for the underlying message cost ) ).wait(1) console.log(`-💦 redeemLocal qty: ${withdrawLpQty} | tx: ${tx.transactionHash}`) }