const {getEndpointIdByName} = require("../utils/layerzero") task("testnetSwap", "swap using stargate") .addParam("poolId", "the poolId") .addParam("dstPoolId", "the destination poolId") .addParam("qty", "the quantity to swap") .addParam("targetNetwork", "the destination netowrk to swap() tokens to") .setAction(async (taskArgs) => { let accounts = await ethers.getSigners() let owner = accounts[0] // me console.log(`owner: ${owner.address}`) const factory = await ethers.getContract("Factory") console.log(`-> [stargate] factory.address: ${factory.address}`) const router = await ethers.getContract("Router") console.log(`-> [stargate] router.address: ${router.address}`) // get the token address from the router for the pool id so we know the address to approve let Pool = await ethers.getContractFactory("Pool") let poolData = await factory.getPool(taskArgs.poolId) let pool = await Pool.attach(poolData) let poolTokenAddr = await pool.token() console.log(`swap() poolTokenAddr: ${poolTokenAddr}`) let MockToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("MockToken") // erc20 let mockToken = await MockToken.attach(poolTokenAddr) await (await mockToken.approve(router.address, taskArgs.qty)).wait(1) let bnQty = ethers.BigNumber.from(taskArgs.qty) let bnQtyMin = bnQty.mul(993).div(1000) let dstChainId = getEndpointIdByName(taskArgs.targetNetwork) console.log(`source(${getEndpointIdByName(}) swap--> dstChainId(${dstChainId})`); console.log('disChainId', dstChainId); console.log("poolId", taskArgs.poolId); console.log("dstPoolId", taskArgs.dstPoolId); console.log("address", owner.address); console.log("bnQty", bnQty); console.log("bnQtyMin", bnQtyMin); let tx = await ( await router.swap( dstChainId, taskArgs.poolId, taskArgs.dstPoolId, owner.address, bnQty, bnQtyMin, {dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x"}, owner.address, "0x", {value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.1")} // guess a value high enough , it refunds extra ) ).wait() console.log(`tx.transactionHash: ${tx.transactionHash}`) })