const CONFIG = require("../constants/config.json") const {getDeploymentAddresses} = require("../utils/readDeployments") const {getEndpointIdByName} = require("../utils/layerzero") task("wireBridges", "connect the local mirrorgate to a remote mirrorgate by configuring the remote bridge") .addParam("targetNetworks", "the remote mirrorgate instance named by network") .setAction(async (taskArgs, hre) => { let accounts = await ethers.getSigners() let owner = accounts[0] // me // console.log(`owner: ${owner.address}`); const Bridge = await ethers.getContractFactory("Bridge") const bridgeAddr = (await hre.deployments.get("Bridge")).address const bridge = await Bridge.attach(bridgeAddr) let targetNetworks = taskArgs.targetNetworks.split(",") console.log(`${}: setting local functionType gas and remote bridge...`) for (let targetNetwork of targetNetworks) { let targetNetworkAddrs = getDeploymentAddresses(targetNetwork) // console.log(targetNetworkAddrs); let chainId = getEndpointIdByName(targetNetwork) let numFunctionTypes = Object.keys(CONFIG.gasAmounts).length for (let functionType = 1; functionType <= numFunctionTypes; ++functionType) { let gasAmount = CONFIG.gasAmounts[functionType] let currentAmount = await bridge.gasLookup(chainId, functionType) if (currentAmount.eq(gasAmount)) { console.log( ` ✅ ${} > bridge.setGasAmount(chainId:${chainId}, functionType:${functionType}, gasAmount:${gasAmount}) | *already set*` ) } else { await (await bridge.setGasAmount(chainId, functionType, gasAmount)).wait() console.log( ` ✅ ${} > bridge.setGasAmount(chainId:${chainId}, functionType:${functionType}, gasAmount:${gasAmount})` ) } } let currBridge = await bridge.bridgeLookup(chainId) let targetBridgeAddr = "0x" + ethers.utils.getAddress(targetNetworkAddrs["Bridge"]).substring(2) + bridgeAddr.substring(2); // cast to standardized address if (currBridge !== "0x" && ethers.utils.getAddress(currBridge) == targetBridgeAddr) { // its nto a bridge console.log(`✅ ${} > setBridge(${chainId}, ${targetBridgeAddr}) | *already set*`) } else { // setBridge , 1-time only call. better do it right! let tx = await (await bridge.setBridge(chainId, targetBridgeAddr)).wait() console.log(` ✅ ${} > setBridge(${chainId}, ${targetBridgeAddr}) | tx: ${tx.transactionHash}`) } } })