const { expect } = require("chai") const { ethers } = require("hardhat") const { BigNumber } = require("ethers") const { setup } = require("./util/setup") const { encodePackedParams, getAddr, deployNew, callAsContract, encodeParams, amountSDtoLD, amountLDtoSD, getPoolFromFactory, } = require("./util/helpers") const { ZERO_ADDRESS, USDC, DAI, ETHEREUM, AVAX, TYPE_REDEEM_LOCAL_RESPONSE, TYPE_REDEEM_LOCAL_CALLBACK_RETRY, TYPE_SWAP_REMOTE_RETRY, } = require("./util/constants") const { addLiquidity, equalize, mintAndSwap, removeLiquidityLocal, removeLiquidityRemote, removeLiquidityInstant } = require("./util/actions") const { audit, getPoolState } = require("./util/poolStateHelpers") describe("Pool State: ", function () { this.timeout(600000000) let eth_endpoint, avax_endpoint, endpoints, tokens, pools let eth_usdc_pool, eth_dai_pool, avax_usdc_pool, avax_dai_pool let alice, bob, badUser1, fakeContract, emptyLzTxObj, defaultSwapObj before(async function () { ;({ alice, bob, badUser1, fakeContract } = await getAddr(ethers)) }) beforeEach(async function () { endpoints = await setup(2, 2) eth_endpoint = endpoints[ETHEREUM] avax_endpoint = endpoints[AVAX] ;({ [DAI]: eth_dai_pool, [USDC]: eth_usdc_pool } = eth_endpoint.pools) ;({ [DAI]: avax_dai_pool, [USDC]: avax_usdc_pool } = avax_endpoint.pools) endpoints = [eth_endpoint, avax_endpoint] pools = [eth_dai_pool, avax_dai_pool, eth_usdc_pool, avax_usdc_pool] tokens = [DAI] emptyLzTxObj = { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x" } defaultSwapObj = { amount: 1, eqFee: 1, eqReward: 1, lpFee: 1, protocolFee: 1, lkbRemove: 1 } }) it("swap() - lzTxParams transfers extra gas", async function () { await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("1000")) await equalize(endpoints, alice, false) const nativeAmt = 453 const encodedDstNativeAddr = encodePackedParams(["address"], [alice.address]) const lzTxParams = { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: nativeAmt, dstNativeAddr: encodedDstNativeAddr } // mock is design to throw if this does not pass await expect(mintAndSwap(eth_dai_pool, avax_dai_pool, bob, BigNumber.from("500"), lzTxParams)) "NativeGasParams check" ) }) it("swap() - reverts with 0 amount", async function () { const lzTxParams = { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x" } await expect( eth_dai_pool.router .connect(alice) .swap(avax_dai_pool.chainId,,, alice.address, 0, 0, lzTxParams, alice.address, "0x") ).to.revertedWith("Stargate: cannot swap 0") }) it("swap() - reverts when cp balance is not high enough for swap", async function () { await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("10000000"), {}) await addLiquidity(eth_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("10000000"), {}) await equalize(endpoints, bob, false) // amount sd and ld are the same for this state const amountSD = BigNumber.from("2500000") const lzTxParams = { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x" } // mint and swap enough that it makes eqReward larger than the lp fee await mintAndSwap(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, bob, amountSD, lzTxParams) await mintAndSwap(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, bob, amountSD, lzTxParams) // when we try to swap the other way the total amount of the chain path, it tries to deduct more than the amountSD await expect(mintAndSwap(eth_dai_pool, avax_dai_pool, bob, amountSD.mul(3), lzTxParams)).to.revertedWith("Stargate: dst balance too low") }) it("swap() - reverts when cp balance is not high enough for swap", async function () { await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("10000000"), {}) await addLiquidity(eth_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("10000000"), {}) await equalize(endpoints, bob, false) // amount sd and ld are the same for this state const amountSD = BigNumber.from("2500000") const lzTxParams = { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x" } // mint and swap enough that it makes eqReward larger than the lp fee await mintAndSwap(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, bob, amountSD, lzTxParams) await mintAndSwap(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, bob, amountSD, lzTxParams) // when we try to swap the other way the total amount of the chain path, it tries to deduct more than the amountSD await expect(mintAndSwap(eth_dai_pool, avax_dai_pool, bob, amountSD.mul(3), lzTxParams)).to.revertedWith("Stargate: dst balance too low") }) it("swap() - using loop back mock, revert on sgReceive when paused", async function () { const minAmountLD = BigNumber.from("1") const amountLD = BigNumber.from("66") const loopBackMock = await deployNew("LoopBackMock", [avax_dai_pool.router.address]) const encodedDstNativeAddr = encodePackedParams(["address"], [loopBackMock.address]) const lzTxParams = { dstGasForCall: 500000, dstNativeAmount: 123400, dstNativeAddr: encodedDstNativeAddr } const payload = encodeParams(["uint256", "uint256"], [,]) // give the loop back some ether to transfer via lzTxParams await alice.sendTransaction({ to: loopBackMock.address, value: 1000000, }) // ensure liquidity in pools for swap await addLiquidity(eth_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("1000000")) await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("1000000")) // update the chain path balances await equalize(endpoints, bob, false) // check the loop back has no tokens yet expect(await avax_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(loopBackMock.address)).to.equal(0) // give alice tokens to spend await, amountLD) // allow the eth router to spend them await eth_dai_pool.token.connect(alice).increaseAllowance(eth_dai_pool.router.address, amountLD) expect(await eth_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(amountLD) // allow the loopback mock to send back half of the original amount back await callAsContract(avax_dai_pool.token, loopBackMock.address, "increaseAllowance(address,uint256)", [ avax_dai_pool.router.address, amountLD.div(2), ]) // pause the loop back contract await loopBackMock.pause(true) // increase the nonce by 1 because it is the next one const nonce = (await eth_endpoint.lzEndpoint.inboundNonce(avax_endpoint.chainId, eth_dai_pool.bridge.address)).add(1) await expect( eth_dai_pool.router .connect(alice) .swap( avax_dai_pool.chainId,,, alice.address, amountLD, minAmountLD, lzTxParams, loopBackMock.address, payload ) ).to.emit(avax_dai_pool.router, "CachedSwapSaved") // can not clear the swap because it is paused await expect(avax_dai_pool.router.clearCachedSwap(eth_dai_pool.chainId, eth_dai_pool.bridge.address, nonce)).to.revertedWith( "Failed sgReceive due to pause" ) // unpause await loopBackMock.pause(false) // unpaused, should clear await avax_dai_pool.router.clearCachedSwap(eth_dai_pool.chainId, eth_dai_pool.bridge.address, nonce) expect(await avax_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(loopBackMock.address)).to.equal(amountLD.div(2)) // _srcAddress is where the tokens pass back to after LoopBackMock.sol expect(await eth_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(eth_dai_pool.bridge.address)).to.equal(amountLD.div(2)) }) it("swap() - using loop back mock, can send on sgReceive", async function () { const minAmountLD = BigNumber.from("1") const amountLD = BigNumber.from("66") const loopBackMock = await deployNew("LoopBackMock", [avax_dai_pool.router.address]) const encodedDstNativeAddr = encodePackedParams(["address"], [loopBackMock.address]) const lzTxParams = { dstGasForCall: 500000, dstNativeAmount: 123400, dstNativeAddr: encodedDstNativeAddr } const payload = encodeParams(["uint256", "uint256"], [,]) // give the loop back some ether to transfer via lzTxParams await alice.sendTransaction({ to: loopBackMock.address, value: 1000000, }) // ensure liquidity in pools for swap await addLiquidity(eth_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("1000000")) await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("1000000")) // update the chain path balances await equalize(endpoints, bob, false) // check the loop back has no tokens yet expect(await avax_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(loopBackMock.address)).to.equal(0) // give alice tokens to spend await, amountLD) // allow the eth router to spend them await eth_dai_pool.token.connect(alice).increaseAllowance(eth_dai_pool.router.address, amountLD) expect(await eth_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(amountLD) // allow the loopback mock to send back half of the original amount back await callAsContract(avax_dai_pool.token, loopBackMock.address, "increaseAllowance(address,uint256)", [ avax_dai_pool.router.address, amountLD.div(2), ]) // initial swap tx can call send again and loop back in the same tx await expect( eth_dai_pool.router .connect(alice) .swap( avax_dai_pool.chainId,,, alice.address, amountLD, minAmountLD, lzTxParams, loopBackMock.address, payload ) ) .to.emit(loopBackMock, "LoopBack") .withArgs(eth_dai_pool.bridge.address.toLowerCase(),,, amountLD.div(2)) expect(await avax_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(loopBackMock.address)).to.equal(amountLD.div(2)) // _srcAddress is where the tokens pass back to after LoopBackMock.sol expect(await eth_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(eth_dai_pool.bridge.address)).to.equal(amountLD.div(2)) }) describe("LP pools are filled and fees set:", async function () { const amount = BigNumber.from("100000") beforeEach(async function () { // setting these fees allow delta credit to accumulate avax_endpoint.router.setFees(, 2) eth_endpoint.router.setFees(, 2) avax_endpoint.router.setDeltaParam(, true, 500, // 5% 500, // 5% true, //default true //default ) eth_endpoint.router.setDeltaParam(, true, 500, // 5% 500, // 5% true, //default true //default ) await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, alice, amount) await addLiquidity(eth_dai_pool, alice, amount) await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, bob, amount) await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, bob, amount) await equalize(endpoints, bob, false) await mintAndSwap(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, bob, BigNumber.from(123), {}, false) }) it("delta() - run a series of tests NOT in fullMode and ensure audit still works", async function () { const bigAmount = BigNumber.from("100000000000000") // turn full mode off avax_endpoint.router.setDeltaParam(, true, 500, // 5% 500, // 5% false, // non-default false // non-default ) eth_endpoint.router.setDeltaParam(, true, 500, // 5% 500, // 5% false, // non-default false // non-default ) // arbitrary set of actions await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, alice, bigAmount) await addLiquidity(eth_dai_pool, alice, bigAmount) await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, bob, bigAmount) await addLiquidity(eth_dai_pool, bob, bigAmount) await addLiquidity(avax_usdc_pool, bob, bigAmount) await addLiquidity(eth_usdc_pool, bob, bigAmount) await equalize(endpoints, bob, false) await mintAndSwap(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, bob, BigNumber.from(10000000000000), {}) await removeLiquidityRemote(eth_dai_pool, avax_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from(100000000000)) await mintAndSwap(eth_dai_pool, avax_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from(10000000000000), {}) await mintAndSwap(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, bob, BigNumber.from(10000000000000), {}) await mintAndSwap(avax_dai_pool, eth_usdc_pool, bob, BigNumber.from(10000000000000), {}) await removeLiquidityRemote(eth_dai_pool, avax_usdc_pool, alice, BigNumber.from(100000000000)) await audit(endpoints, pools) }) it("redeemRemote() - add eqReward to the deltaCredits", async function () { const bigAmount = BigNumber.from("100000000000000") await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, alice, bigAmount) await addLiquidity(eth_dai_pool, alice, bigAmount) await equalize(endpoints, bob, false) // create an eq fee reward deficit so reward is generated on remove liquidity remote await mintAndSwap(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, bob, BigNumber.from(10000000000000), {}, true) const deltaCredit = await eth_dai_pool.pool.deltaCredit() await removeLiquidityRemote(eth_dai_pool, avax_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from(100000000000)) // delta credits increases because the eq reward is added to it expect((await eth_dai_pool.pool.deltaCredit()).gt(deltaCredit)).to.equal(true) }) it("redeemRemote() - nativeGasParams blocks", async function () { const nativeAmt = 453 const encodedDstNativeAddr = encodePackedParams(["address"], [alice.address]) const lzTxParams = { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: nativeAmt, dstNativeAddr: encodedDstNativeAddr } const dstChainId = eth_endpoint.chainId // remove gas object so it gets stored properly, Passing ZERO_ADDRESS causes it to revert await expect( avax_endpoint.router.connect(bob).redeemRemote(dstChainId, DAI, DAI, bob.address, 1000, 1, ZERO_ADDRESS, lzTxParams) )"NativeGasParams check") }) it("redeemRemote() - calls delta when lpDeltaBP is 0", async function () { avax_endpoint.router.setDeltaParam(, true, 0, // 0% 0, // 0% true, //default true //default ) const deltaCredit = await avax_dai_pool.pool.deltaCredit() await removeLiquidityRemote(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, bob, BigNumber.from(1)) expect((await avax_dai_pool.pool.deltaCredit()).lt(deltaCredit)).to.equal(true) }) it("redeemRemote() - reverts when not enough lp", async function () { await expect( callAsContract(avax_dai_pool.pool, avax_endpoint.router.address, "redeemRemote(uint16,uint256,address,uint256)", [ eth_dai_pool.chainId,, fakeContract.address, amount.add(1), ]) ).to.revertedWith("Stargate: not enough LP tokens to burn") }) it("redeemRemote() - lzTxParams transfers extra gas", async function () { const nativeAmt = 453 const encodedDstNativeAddr = encodePackedParams(["address"], [alice.address]) const lzTxParams = { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: nativeAmt, dstNativeAddr: encodedDstNativeAddr } await expect(removeLiquidityRemote(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, bob, BigNumber.from("50"), lzTxParams)) "NativeGasParams check" ) }) it("redeemLocal()", async function () { const encodedDstNativeAddr = encodePackedParams(["address"], [alice.address]) const lzTxParams = { dstGasForCall: 1000000, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: encodedDstNativeAddr } await removeLiquidityLocal(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("200"), lzTxParams, [], [], false) }) it("redeemLocal() - lzTxParams transfers extra gas", async function () { const nativeAmt = 453 const encodedDstNativeAddr = encodePackedParams(["address"], [alice.address]) const lzTxParams = { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: nativeAmt, dstNativeAddr: encodedDstNativeAddr } const srcChainId = avax_endpoint.chainId const dstChainId = eth_endpoint.chainId await expect( avax_endpoint.router.connect(bob).redeemLocal(dstChainId, DAI, DAI, bob.address, 1000, bob.address, lzTxParams) )"NativeGasParams check") // nonce is actually the next one, hence +1 const expectedNonce = (await avax_dai_pool.lzEndpoint.outboundNonce(dstChainId, avax_dai_pool.bridge.address)).add(1) // remove gas object so it gets stored properly, then try to send it back the other way and hopefully get a revert await expect(avax_endpoint.router.connect(bob).redeemLocal(dstChainId, DAI, DAI, bob.address, 1000, bob.address, emptyLzTxObj)) .to.emit(eth_endpoint.router, "RevertRedeemLocal") .withArgs(srcChainId, DAI, DAI, bob.address.toLowerCase(), 1000, 0, expectedNonce, avax_dai_pool.bridge.address.toLowerCase()) await expect( eth_endpoint.router .connect(bob) .revertRedeemLocal(srcChainId, avax_endpoint.bridge.address, expectedNonce, bob.address, lzTxParams) )"NativeGasParams check") }) it("retryRevert() - reverts when you try to send an invalid function", async function () { const srcChainId = avax_endpoint.chainId const dstChainId = eth_endpoint.chainId // remove gas object so it gets stored properly, then try to send it back the other way and hopefully get a revert await expect(avax_endpoint.router.connect(bob).redeemLocal(dstChainId, DAI, DAI, bob.address, 1000, bob.address, emptyLzTxObj)) // nonce is actually the next one, hence +1 const expectedNonce = (await avax_dai_pool.lzEndpoint.outboundNonce(dstChainId, avax_dai_pool.bridge.address)).add(1) await expect( eth_endpoint.router.connect(bob).retryRevert(srcChainId, avax_endpoint.bridge.address, expectedNonce) )"Stargate: invalid function type") }) it("addLiquidity() - reverts when the safeTransferFrom fails", async function () { // pause transfers await avax_dai_pool.token.pauseTransfers(true) await expect(avax_dai_pool.router.addLiquidity(, 1, bob.address)).to.revertedWith("Stargate: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED") }) it("redeemLocalCheckOnRemote() - stores a payload on failed msg, then clears upon pool creation", async function () { const nonce = 1 const srcChainId = 5 const srcPoolId = 55 const amountSD = BigNumber.from(69) // always keep it // simulate a situation where the user has already burned these lp tokens on the source side, and we are trying to complete the cycle on the other await expect( callAsContract( avax_dai_pool.router, avax_endpoint.bridge.address, "redeemLocalCheckOnRemote(uint16,bytes,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes)", [srcChainId, eth_dai_pool.bridge.address, nonce, srcPoolId,, amountSD, bob.address] ) ) .to.emit(avax_dai_pool.router, "Revert") .withArgs(TYPE_REDEEM_LOCAL_RESPONSE, srcChainId, eth_dai_pool.bridge.address.toLowerCase(), nonce) // create and setup a pool for this to be sent to now await avax_endpoint.router.createChainPath(, srcChainId, srcPoolId, 1) await avax_endpoint.router.activateChainPath(, srcChainId, srcPoolId) await avax_endpoint.bridge.setBridge(srcChainId, eth_endpoint.bridge.address) await eth_endpoint.router.createPool(srcPoolId, eth_dai_pool.token.address, 18, 18, "x", "xx") await eth_endpoint.router.createChainPath(srcPoolId, avax_dai_pool.chainId,, 1) await eth_endpoint.router.activateChainPath(srcPoolId, avax_dai_pool.chainId, const srcPool = await getPoolFromFactory(eth_endpoint.factory, srcPoolId) await expect(avax_dai_pool.router.retryRevert(srcChainId, eth_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce)).to.revertedWith( "Stargate: invalid function type" ) // is a stored revert expect(await avax_dai_pool.router.revertLookup(srcChainId, eth_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce)).to.not.equal("0x") const userBalance = await srcPool.balanceOf(bob.address) // revert - the swap amount has been set to 0, because the deduction of chain path balances on the remote side failed // the full amount of lp that was attempted to burn, is minted back to the user, as if nothing happened await expect( avax_dai_pool.router.revertRedeemLocal(srcChainId, eth_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce, fakeContract.address, emptyLzTxObj) ) .to.emit(srcPool, "RedeemLocalCallback") .withArgs(bob.address, 0, amountSD) // user gets minted back the full amount upon completion expect(await srcPool.balanceOf(bob.address)).to.equal(userBalance.add(amountSD)) // make sure the payload is cleared expect(await avax_dai_pool.router.revertLookup(srcChainId, eth_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce)).to.equal("0x") // can not send another one await expect(avax_dai_pool.router.retryRevert(srcChainId, eth_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce)).to.revertedWith( "Stargate: no retry revert" ) }) it("redeemLocalCallback() - stores a payload on failed msg", async function () { const nonce = 1 // pause transfers await avax_dai_pool.token.pauseTransfers(true) await expect( callAsContract( avax_dai_pool.router, avax_endpoint.bridge.address, "redeemLocalCallback(uint16,bytes,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", [eth_dai_pool.chainId, eth_dai_pool.bridge.address, nonce,,, bob.address, 1, 1] ) ) .to.emit(avax_dai_pool.router, "Revert") .withArgs(TYPE_REDEEM_LOCAL_CALLBACK_RETRY, eth_dai_pool.chainId, eth_dai_pool.bridge.address.toLowerCase(), nonce) await expect( avax_dai_pool.router.revertRedeemLocal( eth_dai_pool.chainId, eth_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce, fakeContract.address, emptyLzTxObj ) ).to.revertedWith("Stargate: invalid function type") // unpause transfers and revert await avax_dai_pool.token.pauseTransfers(false) await avax_dai_pool.router.retryRevert(eth_dai_pool.chainId, eth_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce) // make sure the payload is cleared expect(await avax_dai_pool.router.revertLookup(eth_dai_pool.chainId, eth_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce)).to.equal("0x") // can not send another one await expect(avax_dai_pool.router.retryRevert(eth_dai_pool.chainId, eth_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce)).to.revertedWith( "Stargate: no retry revert" ) }) it("swapRemote() - stores a payload on failed msg", async function () { const nonce = 1 // pause transfers await avax_dai_pool.token.pauseTransfers(true) await expect( callAsContract( avax_dai_pool.router, avax_endpoint.bridge.address, "swapRemote(uint16,bytes,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256),bytes)", [ avax_dai_pool.chainId, avax_dai_pool.bridge.address, nonce,,, 0, bob.address, defaultSwapObj, "0x", ] ) ) .to.emit(avax_dai_pool.router, "Revert") .withArgs(TYPE_SWAP_REMOTE_RETRY, avax_dai_pool.chainId, avax_dai_pool.bridge.address.toLowerCase(), nonce) await expect( avax_dai_pool.router.revertRedeemLocal( avax_dai_pool.chainId, avax_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce, fakeContract.address, emptyLzTxObj ) ).to.revertedWith("Stargate: invalid function type") // unpause transfers and revert await avax_dai_pool.token.pauseTransfers(false) await avax_dai_pool.router.retryRevert(avax_dai_pool.chainId, avax_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce) // make sure the payload is cleared expect(await avax_dai_pool.router.revertLookup(avax_dai_pool.chainId, avax_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce)).to.equal("0x") // can not send another one await expect(avax_dai_pool.router.retryRevert(avax_dai_pool.chainId, avax_endpoint.bridge.address, nonce)).to.revertedWith( "Stargate: no retry revert" ) }) it("instantRedeemLocal() - redeems less than the cap", async function () { const deltaCredit = await avax_dai_pool.pool.deltaCredit() const userBal = await avax_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(bob.address) await removeLiquidityInstant(avax_dai_pool, bob, deltaCredit.sub(1)) expect(await avax_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(bob.address)).to.equal(userBal.add(deltaCredit.sub(1))) }) it("instantRedeemLocal() - only burns/redeems the cap", async function () { const deltaCredit = await avax_dai_pool.pool.deltaCredit() const userBal = await avax_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(bob.address) // try to redeem 1 more than delta credits, should only get the max amount od delta credits back await removeLiquidityInstant(avax_dai_pool, bob, deltaCredit.add(1)) expect(await avax_dai_pool.token.balanceOf(bob.address)).to.equal(userBal.add(deltaCredit)) }) it("instantRedeemLocal() - reverts when from address is 0x0", async function () { await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from(100)) await expect( callAsContract(avax_dai_pool.pool, avax_dai_pool.router.address, "instantRedeemLocal(address,uint256,address)", [ ZERO_ADDRESS, 1, alice.address, ]) ).to.revertedWith("Stargate: _from cannot be 0x0") }) it("redeemLocalCallback() - mints to user", async function () { const amountSD = BigNumber.from(1000) const amountToMintSD = BigNumber.from(435) let amountLP = amountLDtoSD(amountSDtoLD(amountToMintSD, avax_dai_pool), avax_dai_pool) const { totalSupply, totalLiquidity } = await getPoolState(avax_dai_pool) if ( amountLP = amountLP.mul(totalSupply).div(totalLiquidity) const userLpBalance = await avax_dai_pool.pool.balanceOf(bob.address) await expect( callAsContract(avax_dai_pool.pool, avax_endpoint.router.address, "redeemLocalCallback(uint16,uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", [ eth_dai_pool.chainId,, bob.address, amountSD, amountToMintSD, ]) ) .to.emit(avax_dai_pool.pool, "RedeemLocalCallback") .withArgs(bob.address, amountSD, amountToMintSD) // make sure the user got the expected amount of lp expect(await avax_dai_pool.pool.balanceOf(bob.address)).to.equal(userLpBalance.add(amountLP)) }) it("redeemLocal() - reverts when amountSD is 0", async function () { const storageLocationTotalLiquidity = "0xe" // position in contract storage const setTotalLiquidityValue = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001" // totalLiquidity = 1 // set totalLiquidity to 1 await network.provider.send("hardhat_setStorageAt", [ avax_dai_pool.pool.address, storageLocationTotalLiquidity, setTotalLiquidityValue, ]) await expect(callRedeemLocal(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, bob, 1000, emptyLzTxObj)).to.revertedWith( "Stargate: not enough lp to redeem with amountSD" ) }) }) it("redeemLocal() - reverts when lp isnt enough", async function () { const nativeAmt = 100 const encodedDstNativeAddr = encodePackedParams(["address"], [alice.address]) const lzTxParams = { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: nativeAmt, dstNativeAddr: encodedDstNativeAddr } await addLiquidity(avax_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("1")) await expect(removeLiquidityLocal(avax_dai_pool, eth_dai_pool, alice, BigNumber.from("0"), lzTxParams)) "Stargate: not enough lp to redeem" ) }) it("instantRedeemLocal() - reverts when totalLiquidity is 0", async function () { await expect(avax_dai_pool.router.connect(alice).instantRedeemLocal(, 1, ZERO_ADDRESS)).to.revertedWith( "Stargate: cant convert SDtoLP when totalLiq == 0'" ) }) })