const { expect } = require("chai") const { ethers } = require("hardhat") const { TYPE_SWAP_REMOTE, TYPE_ADD_LIQUIDITY, TYPE_REDEEM_LOCAL_CALL_BACK, TYPE_WITHDRAW_REMOTE, ZERO_ADDRESS } = require("./util/constants") const { callAsContract, getAddr, deployNew, encodeParams } = require("./util/helpers") describe("Bridge:", function () { let owner, alice, badUser1, fakeContract, router, mockToken, lzEndpoint, bridge let chainId, nonce, defaultGasAmount, transferAndCallPayload, defaultCreditObj, defaulSwapObject, defaultLzTxObj before(async function () { ;({ owner, alice, badUser1, fakeContract } = await getAddr(ethers)) chainId = 1 nonce = 1 defaultGasAmount = 123 transferAndCallPayload = "0x" defaultCreditObj = { credits: 0, idealBalance: 0 } defaulSwapObject = { amount: 0, eqFee: 0, eqReward: 0, lpFee: 0, protocolFee: 0, lkbRemove: 0 } defaultLzTxObj = { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x" } }) beforeEach(async function () { router = await deployNew("Router") mockToken = await deployNew("MockToken", ["Token", "TKN", 18]) lzEndpoint = await deployNew("LZEndpointMock", [chainId]) bridge = await deployNew("Bridge", [lzEndpoint.address, router.address]) }) it("constructor() - reverts for 0x0 LZ endpoint", async function () { await expect(deployNew("Bridge", [ZERO_ADDRESS, ZERO_ADDRESS]))"Stargate: _layerZeroEndpoint cannot be 0x0") }) it("constructor() - reverts for 0x0 router endpoint", async function () { await expect(deployNew("Bridge", [fakeContract.address, ZERO_ADDRESS]))"Stargate: _router cannot be 0x0") }) it("renounceOwnership() - does not affect ownership", async function () { expect(await bridge.owner()).to.equal(owner.address) await bridge.renounceOwnership() expect(await bridge.owner()).to.equal(owner.address) }) it("swap() - reverts when non owner", async function () { await expect(bridge.swap(1, 1, 1, ZERO_ADDRESS, defaultCreditObj, defaulSwapObject, defaultLzTxObj, "0x", "0x")).to.revertedWith( "Stargate: caller must be Router." ) }) it("redeemLocalCallback() - reverts when non owner", async function () { await expect(bridge.redeemLocalCallback(1, ZERO_ADDRESS, defaultCreditObj, defaultLzTxObj, "0x")).to.revertedWith( "Stargate: caller must be Router." ) }) it("lzReceive() - reverts for non LZ endpoint", async function () { await expect(bridge.lzReceive(chainId, alice.address, nonce, alice.address)) "Stargate: only LayerZero endpoint can call lzReceive" ) }) it("lzReceive() - does NOT revert if invalid function type passed", async function () { const payload = encodeParams(["uint256", "uint8"], [123, 123]) await expect( callAsContract(bridge, lzEndpoint.address, "lzReceive(uint16,bytes,uint64,bytes)", [chainId, "0x", nonce, payload]) ) }) it("lzReceive() - reverts for mismatched bridgeLookup", async function () { await bridge.setBridge(chainId, fakeContract.address) await expect( callAsContract(bridge, lzEndpoint.address, "lzReceive(uint16,bytes,uint64,bytes)", [chainId, alice.address, nonce, alice.address]) )"Stargate: bridge does not match") }) it("setBridge()", async function () { expect(await bridge.bridgeLookup(chainId)).to.equal("0x") await bridge.setBridge(chainId, fakeContract.address) expect(await bridge.bridgeLookup(chainId)).to.equal(fakeContract.address.toLowerCase()) // lowerCase because it returns bytes }) it("setBridge() - reverts when bridge already set ", async function () { await bridge.setBridge(chainId, fakeContract.address) // set it first await expect(bridge.setBridge(chainId, fakeContract.address))"Stargate: Bridge already set!") }) it("setBridge() - reverts for non owner", async function () { await expect(bridge.connect(badUser1).setBridge(chainId, fakeContract.address))"Ownable: caller is not the owner") }) it("setGasAmount() - reverts for non owner", async function () { await expect(bridge.connect(badUser1).setGasAmount(chainId, TYPE_SWAP_REMOTE, defaultGasAmount)) "Ownable: caller is not the owner" ) }) it("setGasAmount() - reverts for invalid function type", async function () { const invalidFunctionType = 0 await expect(bridge.setGasAmount(chainId, invalidFunctionType, defaultGasAmount))"Stargate: invalid _functionType") }) it("setGasAmount()", async function () { await expect(bridge.setGasAmount(chainId, TYPE_SWAP_REMOTE, defaultGasAmount))"Stargate: invalid _functionType") expect(await bridge.gasLookup(chainId, TYPE_SWAP_REMOTE)).to.equal(defaultGasAmount) }) it("approveTokenSpender() - reverts for non owner", async function () { await expect(bridge.connect(badUser1).approveTokenSpender(alice.address, badUser1.address, 0)) "Ownable: caller is not the owner" ) }) it("approveTokenSpender() - approves amount", async function () { expect(await mockToken.allowance(bridge.address, alice.address)).to.equal(0) const approveAmount = 1 await bridge.approveTokenSpender(mockToken.address, alice.address, approveAmount) expect(await mockToken.allowance(bridge.address, alice.address)).to.equal(approveAmount) }) it("setUseLayerZeroToken() - reverts for non owner", async function () { await expect(bridge.connect(badUser1).setUseLayerZeroToken(true))"Ownable: caller is not the owner") }) it("setUseLayerZeroToken()", async function () { expect(await bridge.useLayerZeroToken()).to.equal(false) await bridge.setUseLayerZeroToken(true) expect(await bridge.useLayerZeroToken()).to.equal(true) }) it("quoteLayerZeroFee() - TYPE_SWAP_REMOTE returns valid fee", async function () { expect( await bridge.quoteLayerZeroFee(chainId, TYPE_SWAP_REMOTE, fakeContract.address, transferAndCallPayload, { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x", }) ).to.deep.equal(await lzEndpoint.estimateFees(chainId, fakeContract.address, transferAndCallPayload, true, "0x")) }) it("quoteLayerZeroFee() - TYPE_ADD_LIQUIDITY returns valid fee", async function () { expect( await bridge.quoteLayerZeroFee(chainId, TYPE_ADD_LIQUIDITY, fakeContract.address, transferAndCallPayload, { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x", }) ).to.deep.equal(await lzEndpoint.estimateFees(chainId, fakeContract.address, transferAndCallPayload, true, "0x")) }) it("quoteLayerZeroFee() - TYPE_REDEEM_LOCAL_CALL_BACK returns valid fee", async function () { expect( await bridge.quoteLayerZeroFee(chainId, TYPE_REDEEM_LOCAL_CALL_BACK, fakeContract.address, transferAndCallPayload, { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x", }) ).to.deep.equal(await lzEndpoint.estimateFees(chainId, fakeContract.address, "0x", true, "0x")) }) it("quoteLayerZeroFee() - TYPE_WITHDRAW_REMOTE returns valid fee", async function () { expect( await bridge.quoteLayerZeroFee(chainId, TYPE_WITHDRAW_REMOTE, fakeContract.address, transferAndCallPayload, { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x", }) ).to.deep.equal(await lzEndpoint.estimateFees(chainId, fakeContract.address, transferAndCallPayload, true, "0x")) }) it("quoteLayerZeroFee() - reverts with unsupported tx type is sent", async function () { await expect( bridge.quoteLayerZeroFee(chainId, TYPE_WITHDRAW_REMOTE + 1, fakeContract.address, transferAndCallPayload, { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x", }) ).to.revertedWith("Stargate: unsupported function type") }) it("setSendVersion()", async function () { const version = 22 await bridge.setSendVersion(version) expect(await lzEndpoint.mockSendVersion()).to.equal(version) }) it("setReceiveVersion()", async function () { const version = 23 await bridge.setReceiveVersion(version) expect(await lzEndpoint.mockReceiveVersion()).to.equal(version) }) it("setSendVersion() - reverts when non owner", async function () { const version = 22 await expect(bridge.connect(badUser1).setSendVersion(version)).to.revertedWith("Ownable: caller is not the owner") }) it("setReceiveVersion() - reverts when non owner", async function () { const version = 23 await expect(bridge.connect(badUser1).setReceiveVersion(version)).to.revertedWith("Ownable: caller is not the owner") }) it("setConfig()", async function () { const version = 22 const configType = 0 const config = "0x1234" await expect(bridge.setConfig(version, chainId, configType, config)) .to.emit(lzEndpoint, "SetConfig") .withArgs(version, chainId, configType, config) }) it("setConfig() - reverts when non owner", async function () { const version = 22 const configType = 0 const config = "0x1234" await expect(bridge.connect(badUser1).setConfig(version, chainId, configType, config)).to.revertedWith( "Ownable: caller is not the owner" ) }) it("forceResumeReceive()", async function () { const bytesAddr = "0x1234" await expect(bridge.forceResumeReceive(chainId, bytesAddr)).to.emit(lzEndpoint, "ForceResumeReceive").withArgs(chainId, bytesAddr) }) it("forceResumeReceive() - reverts when non owner", async function () { const bytesAddr = "0x1234" await expect(bridge.connect(badUser1).forceResumeReceive(chainId, bytesAddr)).to.revertedWith("Ownable: caller is not the owner") }) })