const { expect } = require("chai") const { ethers } = require("hardhat") const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = require("./util/constants") const { getAddr, deployNew } = require("./util/helpers") describe("Pool", function () { let owner, alice, badUser1, fakeContract, feeLibrary, lzEndpoint, factory, tokenOne, tokenTwo, pool let chainId, stargateTokenSpender, poolId, decimals, maxInt256Str, maxInt256, initSupplyMainEndpoint let mainEndpointId, name, symbol, dstPoolId, dstChainId, defaultChainPathWeight, nonDefaultChainPathWeight let defaultAmountLD, defaultMinAmountLD before(async function () { ;({ owner, alice, badUser1, fakeContract } = await getAddr(ethers)) poolId = 1 chainId = 11 dstPoolId = 2 dstChainId = 22 decimals = 18 mainEndpointId = 1 defaultChainPathWeight = 1 nonDefaultChainPathWeight = 4 defaultAmountLD = 1 defaultMinAmountLD = 1 maxInt256Str = "115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935" maxInt256 = ethers.BigNumber.from(maxInt256Str) initSupplyMainEndpoint = ethers.utils.parseEther("1000000000") name = "Pool1" symbol = "S*P1" }) beforeEach(async function () { // contracts lzEndpoint = await deployNew("LZEndpointMock", [chainId]) tokenOne = await deployNew("MockToken", ["One", "ONE", 18]) tokenTwo = await deployNew("MockToken", ["Two", "TWO", 18]) stargateTokenSpender = await deployNew("StargateToken", ["SGTest", "SGTEST", lzEndpoint.address, mainEndpointId, initSupplyMainEndpoint]) factory = await deployNew("Factory", [fakeContract.address]) feeLibrary = await deployNew("StargateFeeLibraryV02", [factory.address]) pool = await deployNew("Pool", [ poolId, owner.address, tokenOne.address, decimals, await tokenOne.decimals(), feeLibrary.address, name, symbol, ]) // setup await factory.setDefaultFeeLibrary(feeLibrary.address) }) it("constructor() - reverts for 0x0 params", async function () { const Pool = await ethers.getContractFactory("Pool") await expect( deployNew("Pool", [ poolId, fakeContract.address, ZERO_ADDRESS, decimals, await tokenOne.decimals(), feeLibrary.address, name, symbol, ]) )"Stargate: _token cannot be 0x0") await expect( Pool.deploy(poolId, ZERO_ADDRESS, tokenOne.address, decimals, await tokenOne.decimals(), feeLibrary.address, name, symbol) )"Stargate: _router cannot be 0x0") }) it("constructor() - globals are set properly", async function () { expect(await pool.poolId()).to.equal(poolId) expect(await pool.token()).to.equal(tokenOne.address) expect(await pool.token()).to.not.equal(tokenTwo.address) expect(await pool.decimals()).to.equal(decimals) expect(await pool.localDecimals()).to.equal(await tokenOne.decimals()) expect(await expect(await pool.symbol()).to.equal(symbol) }) it("createChainPath() - creates a proper pool connection", async function () { // verify there are no chains await expect(pool.chainPaths(0)) await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight) expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).dstChainId).to.equal(dstChainId) expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).dstPoolId).to.equal(dstPoolId) // verify there is only 1 chain path existing await expect(pool.chainPaths(1)) }) it("mint() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(badUser1).mint(alice.address, 1))"Stargate: only the router can call this method") }) it("mint() - reverts if there are no chain paths", async function () { await expect(pool.chainPaths(0)) // verify there are no chains await expect(, 1)) }) it("mint() - reverts with no weights for chainpaths", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, 0) // 0 weight await expect(, 1)) }) it("mint() - mints to user", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await, 100) expect(await pool.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(100) }) it("transferFrom()", async function () { const amount = ethers.utils.parseEther("100") const amount2 = ethers.utils.parseEther("50") await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await, amount) expect(await pool.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(amount) await expect(pool.connect(alice).transfer(alice.address, amount2)).to.emit(pool, "Transfer") await pool.connect(alice).approve(alice.address, amount2) await expect(pool.connect(alice).transferFrom(alice.address, alice.address, amount2)).to.emit(pool, "Transfer") }) it("transferFrom() - reverts if the transfer is not approved", async function () { const amount = ethers.utils.parseEther("100") const amount2 = ethers.utils.parseEther("50") await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await, amount) expect(await pool.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(amount) await expect(pool.connect(alice).transfer(alice.address, amount2)).to.emit(pool, "Transfer") await pool.connect(alice).approve(alice.address, maxInt256) await expect(pool.connect(alice).transferFrom(alice.address, alice.address, amount2.add(1))).to.emit(pool, "Transfer") }) it("createChainPath() - weights are set", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight) expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).weight).to.equal(defaultChainPathWeight) await pool.setWeightForChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight) expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).weight).to.equal(nonDefaultChainPathWeight) }) it("getChainPathsLength()", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight) expect(await pool.getChainPathsLength()).to.equal(2) }) it("setWeightForChainPath() - properly allocate to two pools based on weights", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight) await, 100) expect(await pool.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(100) expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).credits).to.equal(20) expect((await pool.chainPaths(1)).credits).to.equal(80) // change the weight back to 50/ 50 await pool.setWeightForChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight) await, 60) expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).credits).to.equal(80) expect((await pool.chainPaths(1)).credits).to.equal(80) }) it("creditChainPath() - adds to balance for remote chain", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await pool.creditChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, { credits: 100, idealBalance: 100 }) expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).balance).to.equal(100) await pool.creditChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, { credits: 100, idealBalance: 100 }) expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).balance).to.equal(200) }) it("amountLPtoLD() - reverts when totalSupply is 0", async function () { const amountLP = 100 await expect(pool.amountLPtoLD(amountLP)).to.revertedWith("Stargate: cant convert LPtoSD when totalSupply == 0") }) it("getChainPath() - reverts when local chain path does not exist", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await expect(pool.getChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId + 1)).to.revertedWith("Stargate: local chainPath does not exist") }) it("redeemLocal() ", async function () { const amountLP = 100 await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) // setup chain path await pool.activateChainPath(chainId, poolId) await, amountLP) // give them some LP tokens await expect(pool.redeemLocal(alice.address, amountLP, chainId, poolId, alice.address)).to.emit(pool, "RedeemLocal") }) it("redeemLocal() - reverts if path is not activated", async function () { const amountLP = 100 await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) // setup chain path await, amountLP) // give them some LP tokens await expect(pool.redeemLocal(alice.address, amountLP, chainId, poolId, alice.address)).to.revertedWith( "Stargate: counter chainPath is not ready" ) }) it("creditChainPath() - emits event", async function () { const amountSD = 99 await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await expect( pool.creditChainPath(chainId, poolId, { credits: amountSD, idealBalance: amountSD, }) ) .to.emit(pool, "CreditChainPath") .withArgs(chainId, poolId, amountSD, amountSD) }) it("swapRemote() - emits event", async function () { const amountToMintSD = 99 const srcReward = 5 const protocolFee = 6 const dstFee = 7 const lpFee = 3 const lkbRemove = 0 await, 10000000) await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) const swapObj = { amount: amountToMintSD, eqFee: dstFee, eqReward: srcReward, lpFee, protocolFee: protocolFee, lkbRemove, } await expect(pool.swapRemote(chainId, poolId, alice.address, swapObj)) .to.emit(pool, "SwapRemote") .withArgs(alice.address, amountToMintSD + srcReward, protocolFee, dstFee) await expect(pool.connect(owner).withdrawProtocolFeeBalance(alice.address)).to.emit(pool, "WithdrawProtocolFeeBalance") }) it("withdrawMintFeeBalance() - emits event", async function () { const amountLD = 12341234 const amountToMintSD = 10000000 const mintFeeFP = 789 // give the pool some tokens so the inner _safeTransfer works await, amountToMintSD) await pool.setFee(mintFeeFP) await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight) await, amountLD) await expect(pool.withdrawMintFeeBalance(alice.address)).to.emit(pool, "WithdrawMintFeeBalance") }) it("withdrawMintFeeBalance() - reverts when to address is 0x0", async function () { const amountLD = 12341234 const amountToMintSD = 10000000 const mintFeeFP = 789 // give the pool some tokens so the inner _safeTransfer works await, amountToMintSD) await pool.setFee(mintFeeFP) await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight) await, amountLD) await expect(pool.withdrawMintFeeBalance(ZERO_ADDRESS)).to.revertedWith("Stargate: TRANSFER_FAILED") }) it("redeemLocalCallback() - emits event when _amountToMintSD is > 0", async function () { const amountLD = 12341234 const amountToMintSD = 10000000 const mintFeeFP = 789 // give the pool some of the token so the inner _safeTransfer works await, amountToMintSD) await pool.setFee(mintFeeFP) await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight) await, amountLD) await expect(pool.redeemLocalCallback(chainId, poolId, alice.address, 0, 0)).to.emit(pool, "RedeemLocalCallback") }) it("redeemLocalCallback() - setup to call _delta() where total > _amountSD", async function () { const chainId = 6543 const poolId = 1 const chainId1 = 6544 const chainId2 = 6545 const chainId3 = 6546 const weight = 1234 const amountLD = 12341234 const amountToMintSD = 10000000 const mintFeeFP = 789 // give the pool some of the token so the inner _safeTransfer works await, amountToMintSD) await pool.setFee(mintFeeFP) await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, weight) await pool.createChainPath(chainId1, poolId, weight) await pool.createChainPath(chainId2, poolId, weight) await pool.createChainPath(chainId3, poolId, weight) await, amountLD) await expect(pool.redeemLocalCallback(chainId, poolId, alice.address, 0, 0)).to.emit(pool, "RedeemLocalCallback") }) it("redeemLocalCheckOnRemote() - emits event", async function () { const amountSD = 12 const swapAmount = 0 await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await expect(pool.redeemLocalCheckOnRemote(chainId, poolId, amountSD)) .to.emit(pool, "WithdrawRemote") .withArgs(chainId, poolId, swapAmount, amountSD) }) it("createChainPath() - emit correct event", async function () { await expect(pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)) .to.emit(pool, "ChainPathUpdate") .withArgs(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) }) it("setWeightForChainPath() - emit correct event", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await expect(pool.setWeightForChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)) .to.emit(pool, "ChainPathUpdate") .withArgs(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight) }) it("setFee() - emits correct event", async function () { const mintFeeFP = 789 await expect(pool.setFee(mintFeeFP)).to.emit(pool, "FeesUpdated").withArgs(mintFeeFP) }) it("swap() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).swap(dstChainId, poolId, alice.address, defaultAmountLD, defaultMinAmountLD, true)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("swap() - reverts if swapStop called", async function () { await pool.setSwapStop(true) await expect(pool.swap(dstChainId, poolId, alice.address, defaultAmountLD, defaultMinAmountLD, true)) "Stargate: swap func stopped" ) }) it("swap() - reverts if chainPath not active", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await expect(pool.swap(chainId, poolId, alice.address, defaultAmountLD, defaultMinAmountLD, true)) "Stargate: counter chainPath is not ready" ) }) it("sendCredits() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).sendCredits(dstChainId, poolId))"Stargate: only the router can call this method") }) it("sendCredits() - emits event", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) // it fails because the chainPath not yet activatged await expect(pool.connect(owner).sendCredits(chainId, poolId))"Stargate: counter chainPath is not ready") // activate it await pool.connect(owner).activateChainPath(chainId, poolId) // input wrong chain id await expect(pool.connect(owner).sendCredits(17856, poolId))"Stargate: local chainPath does not exist") // this would succeed await expect(pool.connect(owner).sendCredits(chainId, poolId)).to.emit(pool, "SendCredits").withArgs(chainId, poolId, 0, 0) }) it("redeemRemote() - reverts when _from is 0x0", async function () { await expect(pool.redeemRemote(chainId, poolId, ZERO_ADDRESS, 1))"Stargate: _from cannot be 0x0") }) it("redeemLocal() - reverts when _from is 0x0", async function () { await expect(pool.redeemLocal(ZERO_ADDRESS, 1, dstChainId, dstPoolId, ZERO_ADDRESS))"Stargate: _from cannot be 0x0") }) it("redeemRemote() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).redeemRemote(dstChainId, dstPoolId, alice.address, 1)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("redeemRemote() - reverts when trying to burn and totalSupply is 0", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await pool.activateChainPath(chainId, poolId) await expect(pool.connect(owner).redeemRemote(chainId, poolId, alice.address, 1)) "Stargate: cant burn when totalSupply == 0" ) }) it("activateChainPath() - reverts when called on already activated path", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await pool.activateChainPath(chainId, poolId) await expect(pool.activateChainPath(chainId, poolId))"Stargate: chainPath is already active") }) it("createChainPath() - reverts when duplicate chainpath tried to be created", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await expect(pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, 1)) "Stargate: cant createChainPath of existing dstChainId and _dstPoolId" ) }) it("activateChainPath() - reverts when called on a cp that doesnt exist", async function () { await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await expect(pool.activateChainPath(chainId + 1, poolId))"Stargate: local chainPath does not exist") }) it("redeemLocal() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).redeemLocal(alice.address, 1, dstChainId, dstPoolId, alice.address)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("creditChainPath() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).creditChainPath(dstChainId, poolId, { credits: 1, idealBalance: 1 })) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("swapRemote() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { const swapObj = { amount: 1, eqFee: 2, eqReward: 3, lpFee: 4, protocolFee: 5, lkbRemove: 6 } // dummy object for this test await expect(pool.connect(alice).swapRemote(chainId, poolId, alice.address, swapObj)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("redeemLocalCallback() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).redeemLocalCallback(chainId, poolId, alice.address, 1, 1)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("redeemLocalCheckOnRemote() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).redeemLocalCheckOnRemote(dstChainId, poolId, 1)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("createChainPath() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).createChainPath(chainId, poolId, 1)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("setWeightForChainPath() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).setWeightForChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("setWeightForChainPath() - reverts when no chainPaths have been created yet", async function () { await expect(pool.setWeightForChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight))"Stargate: no chainpaths exist") }) it("setFee() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { const fee = 3 await expect(pool.connect(alice).setFee(fee))"Stargate: only the router can call this method") }) it("setFee() - reverts cumulative fee exceeds 100%", async function () { const fee = 10001 await expect(pool.setFee(fee))"Bridge: cum fees > 100%") }) it("setFeeLibrary() - sets properly", async function () { await expect(pool.setFeeLibrary(fakeContract.address)).to.emit(pool, "FeeLibraryUpdated").withArgs(fakeContract.address) }) it("setFeeLibrary() - reverts by non-router", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).setFeeLibrary(fakeContract.address)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("setFeeLibrary() - reverts library address is 0x0", async function () { await expect(pool.setFeeLibrary(ZERO_ADDRESS))"Stargate: fee library cant be 0x0") }) it("setSwapStop() - set / emit event", async function () { await expect(pool.setSwapStop(true)).to.emit(pool, "StopSwapUpdated").withArgs(true) }) it("setSwapStop() - reverts by non router", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).setSwapStop(fakeContract.address))"Stargate: only the router can call this method") }) it("setDeltaParam() - reverts by non-router", async function () { const swapDeltaBP = 1 const lpDeltaBP = 1 await expect(pool.connect(alice).setDeltaParam(true, swapDeltaBP, lpDeltaBP, true, true)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("setDeltaParam() - reverts if basis points are wrong", async function () { const swapDeltaBP = 10001 const lpDeltaBP = 10001 await expect(pool.setDeltaParam(true, swapDeltaBP, lpDeltaBP, true, true))"Stargate: wrong Delta param") }) it("setDeltaParam() - emits event", async function () { const swapDeltaBP = 100 const lpDeltaBP = 100 await expect(pool.setDeltaParam(true, swapDeltaBP, lpDeltaBP, true, true)) .to.emit(pool, "DeltaParamUpdated") .withArgs(true, swapDeltaBP, lpDeltaBP, true, true) }) it("callDelta() - reverts by non-router", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).callDelta(true))"Stargate: only the router can call this method") }) it("withdrawProtocolFeeBalance() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).withdrawProtocolFeeBalance(alice.address)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("withdrawMintFeeBalance() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () { await expect(pool.connect(alice).withdrawMintFeeBalance(alice.address)) "Stargate: only the router can call this method" ) }) it("withdrawMintFeeBalance() - no event when mintFeeBalance equal to 0", async function () { await expect(pool.withdrawMintFeeBalance(alice.address)).to.not.emit(pool, "WithdrawMintFeeBalance") }) it("withdrawProtocolFeeBalance() - no event when protocolFeeBalance equal to 0", async function () { await expect(pool.withdrawProtocolFeeBalance(alice.address)).to.not.emit(pool, "WithdrawProtocolFeeBalance") }) it("createChainPath() - x6 and mint() which calls _distribute fees", async function () { for (let i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) { await pool.createChainPath(i, i, defaultChainPathWeight) await, 10000) } }) it("createChainPath() - x10 and mint() which calls _distribute fees", async function () { for (let i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { await pool.createChainPath(i, i, nonDefaultChainPathWeight) await, 12341234) } }) it("createChainPath() - x50 and mint() which calls _distribute fees", async function () { for (let i = 0; i < 50; ++i) { // 50 connected chains await pool.createChainPath(i, i, nonDefaultChainPathWeight) await, 777) } }) })