const { expect } = require("chai") const { ethers } = require("hardhat") const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = require("./util/constants") const { deployNew, getAddr, getPoolFromFactory } = require("./util/helpers") describe("Router", function () { let owner, alice, badUser1, fakeContract, lzEndpoint, factory, router, bridge let chainId, poolId, decimals, dstPoolId, dstChainId, defaultChainPathWeight let defaultAmountLD, defaultAmountSD, nonce before(async function () { ;({ owner, alice, badUser1, fakeContract } = await getAddr(ethers)) defaultAmountLD = 123 defaultAmountSD = 123 chainId = 1 poolId = 11 dstChainId = 2 dstPoolId = 22 decimals = 18 nonce = 1 defaultChainPathWeight = 1 }) beforeEach(async function () { lzEndpoint = await deployNew("LZEndpointMock", [chainId]) router = await deployNew("Router") bridge = await deployNew("Bridge", [lzEndpoint.address, router.address]) factory = await deployNew("Factory", [router.address]) await router.setBridgeAndFactory(bridge.address, factory.address) }) it("setBridgeAndFactory() - reverts when bridge already initialized", async function () { router = await deployNew("Router") await router.setBridgeAndFactory(fakeContract.address, fakeContract.address) await expect(router.setBridgeAndFactory(fakeContract.address, fakeContract.address)) "Stargate: bridge and factory already initialized" ) }) it("setBridgeAndFactory() - reverts when factory already initialized", async function () { router = await deployNew("Router") const factoryPositionInStorage = "0x2" // position in contract storage const setFactoryStorage = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001" // sets the factory address to 0x1 // set factory to 0x1 await network.provider.send("hardhat_setStorageAt", [router.address, factoryPositionInStorage, setFactoryStorage]) await expect(router.setBridgeAndFactory(fakeContract.address, fakeContract.address)) "Stargate: bridge and factory already initialized" ) }) it("setBridgeAndFactory() - reverts when bridge is 0x0", async function () { router = await deployNew("Router") await expect(router.setBridgeAndFactory(ZERO_ADDRESS, fakeContract.address))"Stargate: bridge cant be 0x0") }) it("setBridgeAndFactory() - reverts when factory is 0x0", async function () { router = await deployNew("Router") await expect(router.setBridgeAndFactory(fakeContract.address, ZERO_ADDRESS))"Stargate: factory cant be 0x0") }) it("addLiquidity() - reverts for non existant pool ", async function () { await expect(router.addLiquidity(defaultAmountLD, poolId, owner.address))"Stargate: Pool does not exist") }) it("createPool() - reverts when token is 0x0", async function () { await expect(router.createPool(poolId, ZERO_ADDRESS, decimals, decimals, "x", "x*"))"Stargate: _token cannot be 0x0") }) it("swap() - reverts when refund address is 0x0", async function () { await expect( router.swap( chainId, poolId, dstPoolId, ZERO_ADDRESS, 1, 0, { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x" }, "0x", "0x" ) )"Stargate: _refundAddress cannot be 0x0") }) it("redeemRemote() - reverts when refund address is 0x0", async function () { await expect( router.redeemRemote(chainId, poolId, dstPoolId, ZERO_ADDRESS, 1, 0, "0x", { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x", }) )"Stargate: _refundAddress cannot be 0x0") }) it("redeemRemote() - reverts when amount LP is 0", async function () { await expect( router.redeemRemote(chainId, poolId, dstPoolId, fakeContract.address, 0, 0, "0x", { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x", }) )"Stargate: not enough lp to redeemRemote") }) it("instantRedeemLocal() - reverts with 0 lp", async function () { await expect(router.instantRedeemLocal(poolId, 0, ZERO_ADDRESS)).to.revertedWith("Stargate: not enough lp to redeem") }) it("redeemLocal() - reverts when refund address is 0x0", async function () { await expect( router.redeemLocal(chainId, poolId, dstPoolId, ZERO_ADDRESS, 1, "0x", { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x" }) )"Stargate: _refundAddress cannot be 0x0") }) it("sendCredits() - Reverts when refund address is 0x0", async function () { await expect(router.sendCredits(dstChainId, poolId, dstPoolId, ZERO_ADDRESS)) "Stargate: _refundAddress cannot be 0x0" ) }) it("retryRevert() - reverts when theres nothing to retry", async function () { await expect(router.retryRevert(dstChainId, ZERO_ADDRESS, nonce))"Stargate: no retry revert") }) it("revertRedeemLocal() - reverts when ZERO non refund address", async function () { await expect( router.revertRedeemLocal(dstChainId, ZERO_ADDRESS, nonce, ZERO_ADDRESS, { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x", }) )"Stargate: _refundAddress cannot be 0x0") }) it("revertRedeemLocal() - reverts when theres nothing to try to retry", async function () { await expect( router.revertRedeemLocal(dstChainId, ZERO_ADDRESS, nonce, alice.address, { dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x", }) )"Stargate: no retry revert") }) it("clearCachedSwap() - reverts when nothing to clean", async function () { await expect(router.clearCachedSwap(dstChainId, ZERO_ADDRESS, nonce))"Stargate: cache already cleared") }) it("creditChainPath() - reverts when caller is not Bridge", async function () { await expect(router.connect(alice).creditChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, poolId, { credits: 1, idealBalance: 1 })) "Bridge: caller must be Bridge." ) }) it("removeLiquitidyRemote() - reverts when caller is not Bridge", async function () { await expect( router.connect(alice).redeemLocalCheckOnRemote(chainId, ZERO_ADDRESS, nonce, poolId, dstPoolId, defaultAmountSD, ZERO_ADDRESS) )"Bridge: caller must be Bridge.") }) it("redeemLocalCallback() - reverts when caller is no Bridge", async function () { await expect( router .connect(alice) .redeemLocalCallback(chainId, ZERO_ADDRESS, nonce, poolId, dstPoolId, ZERO_ADDRESS, defaultAmountSD, defaultAmountSD) )"Bridge: caller must be Bridge.") }) it("redeemLocalCallback() - emits event", async function () { await router.createPool(dstPoolId, fakeContract.address, decimals, decimals, "x", "x*") await expect( callAsContract(router, bridge.address, "redeemLocalCallback(uint16,bytes,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", [ chainId, alice.address, nonce, poolId, dstPoolId, alice.address, defaultAmountSD, defaultAmountSD, ]) ) .to.emit(router, "RedeemLocalCallback") .withArgs(chainId, alice.address, nonce, poolId, dstPoolId, alice.address, defaultAmountSD, defaultAmountSD) }) it("swapRemote() - reverts when caller is no Bridge", async function () { const swapObj = { amount: 1, eqFee: 2, eqReward: 3, lpFee: 4, protocolFee: 5, lkbRemove: 6, } const dstGasForCall = 1 await expect( router.connect(alice).swapRemote(chainId, ZERO_ADDRESS, nonce, poolId, dstPoolId, dstGasForCall, ZERO_ADDRESS, swapObj, "0x") )"Bridge: caller must be Bridge.") }) it("createPool() - reverts with non owner", async function () { await expect(router.connect(alice).createPool(poolId, ZERO_ADDRESS, decimals, decimals, "x", "x*")) "Ownable: caller is not the owner" ) }) it("createChainPath() - reverts with non owner", async function () { await expect(router.connect(alice).createChainPath(poolId, dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight)) "Ownable: caller is not the owner" ) }) it("setWeightForChainPath() - reverts when caller is not the dao", async function () { await expect(router.connect(alice).setWeightForChainPath(poolId, dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight)) "Ownable: caller is not the owner" ) }) it("setWeightForChainPath()", async function () { await router.createPool(poolId, fakeContract.address, decimals, decimals, "x", "x*") await router.createChainPath(poolId, dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight) await router.activateChainPath(poolId, dstChainId, dstPoolId) const pool = await getPoolFromFactory(factory, poolId) expect((await pool.getChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId)).weight).to.equal(defaultChainPathWeight) await router.setWeightForChainPath(poolId, dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight + 1) expect((await pool.getChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId)).weight).to.equal(defaultChainPathWeight + 1) }) it("setProtocolFeeOwner() - reverts when caller is not the dao", async function () { await expect(router.connect(alice).setProtocolFeeOwner(alice.address))"Ownable: caller is not the owner") }) it("setProtocolFeeOwner() - reverts when fee owner is 0x0", async function () { await expect(router.setProtocolFeeOwner(ZERO_ADDRESS))"Stargate: _owner cannot be 0x0") }) it("setMintFeeOwner() - reverts when non owner", async function () { await expect(router.connect(alice).setMintFeeOwner(alice.address))"Ownable: caller is not the owner") }) it("setMintFeeOwner() - reverts when fee owner is 0x0", async function () { await expect(router.setMintFeeOwner(ZERO_ADDRESS))"Stargate: _owner cannot be 0x0") }) it("setFees() - reverts when caller is not the dao", async function () { const mintFeeBP = 1 await expect(router.connect(alice).setFees(poolId, mintFeeBP))"Ownable: caller is not the owner") }) it("setFeeLibrary() - reverts when non owner", async function () { await expect(router.connect(alice).setFeeLibrary(poolId, ZERO_ADDRESS))"Ownable: caller is not the owner") }) it("setSwapStop() - reverts when non owner", async function () { await expect(router.connect(alice).setSwapStop(poolId, true))"Ownable: caller is not the owner") }) it("setFeeLibrary() - when caller is Owner", async function () { await router.createPool(poolId, alice.address, decimals, decimals, "x", "x*") await router.setFeeLibrary(poolId, alice.address) }) it("setSwapStop() - when caller is the Owner", async function () { await router.createPool(poolId, fakeContract.address, decimals, decimals, "x", "x*") await router.setSwapStop(poolId, true) }) it("callDelta() - anyone can call", async function () { await router.createPool(poolId, fakeContract.address, decimals, decimals, "x", "x*") await router.connect(alice).callDelta(poolId, true) }) it("withdrawMintFee() - reverts when non owner", async function () { await expect(router.connect(alice).withdrawMintFee(poolId, alice.address))"Stargate: only mintFeeOwner") }) it("withdrawMintFee()", async function () { await router.createPool(poolId, fakeContract.address, decimals, decimals, "x", "x*") await router.setMintFeeOwner(owner.address) await expect(router.withdrawMintFee(poolId, alice.address))"Stargate: only mintFeeOwner") }) it("withdrawProtocolFee() - reverts when non owner", async function () { await expect(router.connect(alice).withdrawProtocolFee(poolId, alice.address))"Stargate: only protocolFeeOwner") }) it("withdrawProtocolFee() - reverts when non owner", async function () { await router.createPool(poolId, fakeContract.address, decimals, decimals, "x", "x*") await router.setProtocolFeeOwner(owner.address) await expect(router.withdrawProtocolFee(poolId, alice.address))"Stargate: only protocolFeeOwner") }) })