123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558 |
- const { expect } = require("chai")
- const { ethers } = require("hardhat")
- const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = require("./util/constants")
- const { getAddr, deployNew } = require("./util/helpers")
- describe("Pool", function () {
- let owner, alice, badUser1, fakeContract, feeLibrary, lzEndpoint, factory, tokenOne, tokenTwo, pool
- let chainId, stargateTokenSpender, poolId, decimals, maxInt256Str, maxInt256, initSupplyMainEndpoint
- let mainEndpointId, name, symbol, dstPoolId, dstChainId, defaultChainPathWeight, nonDefaultChainPathWeight
- let defaultAmountLD, defaultMinAmountLD
- before(async function () {
- ;({ owner, alice, badUser1, fakeContract } = await getAddr(ethers))
- poolId = 1
- chainId = 11
- dstPoolId = 2
- dstChainId = 22
- decimals = 18
- mainEndpointId = 1
- defaultChainPathWeight = 1
- nonDefaultChainPathWeight = 4
- defaultAmountLD = 1
- defaultMinAmountLD = 1
- maxInt256Str = "115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935"
- maxInt256 = ethers.BigNumber.from(maxInt256Str)
- initSupplyMainEndpoint = ethers.utils.parseEther("1000000000")
- name = "Pool1"
- symbol = "S*P1"
- })
- beforeEach(async function () {
- // contracts
- lzEndpoint = await deployNew("LZEndpointMock", [chainId])
- tokenOne = await deployNew("MockToken", ["One", "ONE", 18])
- tokenTwo = await deployNew("MockToken", ["Two", "TWO", 18])
- stargateTokenSpender = await deployNew("StargateToken", ["SGTest", "SGTEST", lzEndpoint.address, mainEndpointId, initSupplyMainEndpoint])
- factory = await deployNew("Factory", [fakeContract.address])
- feeLibrary = await deployNew("StargateFeeLibraryV02", [factory.address])
- pool = await deployNew("Pool", [
- poolId,
- owner.address,
- tokenOne.address,
- decimals,
- await tokenOne.decimals(),
- feeLibrary.address,
- name,
- symbol,
- ])
- // setup
- await factory.setDefaultFeeLibrary(feeLibrary.address)
- })
- it("constructor() - reverts for 0x0 params", async function () {
- const Pool = await ethers.getContractFactory("Pool")
- await expect(
- deployNew("Pool", [
- poolId,
- fakeContract.address,
- decimals,
- await tokenOne.decimals(),
- feeLibrary.address,
- name,
- symbol,
- ])
- ).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: _token cannot be 0x0")
- await expect(
- Pool.deploy(poolId, ZERO_ADDRESS, tokenOne.address, decimals, await tokenOne.decimals(), feeLibrary.address, name, symbol)
- ).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: _router cannot be 0x0")
- })
- it("constructor() - globals are set properly", async function () {
- expect(await pool.poolId()).to.equal(poolId)
- expect(await pool.token()).to.equal(tokenOne.address)
- expect(await pool.token()).to.not.equal(tokenTwo.address)
- expect(await pool.decimals()).to.equal(decimals)
- expect(await pool.localDecimals()).to.equal(await tokenOne.decimals())
- expect(await pool.name()).to.equal(name)
- expect(await pool.symbol()).to.equal(symbol)
- })
- it("createChainPath() - creates a proper pool connection", async function () {
- // verify there are no chains
- await expect(pool.chainPaths(0)).to.be.reverted
- await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).dstChainId).to.equal(dstChainId)
- expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).dstPoolId).to.equal(dstPoolId)
- // verify there is only 1 chain path existing
- await expect(pool.chainPaths(1)).to.be.reverted
- })
- it("mint() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(badUser1).mint(alice.address, 1)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: only the router can call this method")
- })
- it("mint() - reverts if there are no chain paths", async function () {
- await expect(pool.chainPaths(0)).to.be.reverted // verify there are no chains
- await expect(pool.mint(alice.address, 1)).to.be.reverted
- })
- it("mint() - reverts with no weights for chainpaths", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, 0) // 0 weight
- await expect(pool.mint(alice.address, 1)).to.be.reverted
- })
- it("mint() - mints to user", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, 100)
- expect(await pool.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(100)
- })
- it("transferFrom()", async function () {
- const amount = ethers.utils.parseEther("100")
- const amount2 = ethers.utils.parseEther("50")
- await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, amount)
- expect(await pool.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(amount)
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).transfer(alice.address, amount2)).to.emit(pool, "Transfer")
- await pool.connect(alice).approve(alice.address, amount2)
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).transferFrom(alice.address, alice.address, amount2)).to.emit(pool, "Transfer")
- })
- it("transferFrom() - reverts if the transfer is not approved", async function () {
- const amount = ethers.utils.parseEther("100")
- const amount2 = ethers.utils.parseEther("50")
- await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, amount)
- expect(await pool.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(amount)
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).transfer(alice.address, amount2)).to.emit(pool, "Transfer")
- await pool.connect(alice).approve(alice.address, maxInt256)
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).transferFrom(alice.address, alice.address, amount2.add(1))).to.emit(pool, "Transfer")
- })
- it("createChainPath() - weights are set", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).weight).to.equal(defaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.setWeightForChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)
- expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).weight).to.equal(nonDefaultChainPathWeight)
- })
- it("getChainPathsLength()", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- expect(await pool.getChainPathsLength()).to.equal(2)
- })
- it("setWeightForChainPath() - properly allocate to two pools based on weights", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, 100)
- expect(await pool.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(100)
- expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).credits).to.equal(20)
- expect((await pool.chainPaths(1)).credits).to.equal(80)
- // change the weight back to 50/ 50
- await pool.setWeightForChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, 60)
- expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).credits).to.equal(80)
- expect((await pool.chainPaths(1)).credits).to.equal(80)
- })
- it("creditChainPath() - adds to balance for remote chain", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.creditChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, { credits: 100, idealBalance: 100 })
- expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).balance).to.equal(100)
- await pool.creditChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, { credits: 100, idealBalance: 100 })
- expect((await pool.chainPaths(0)).balance).to.equal(200)
- })
- it("amountLPtoLD() - reverts when totalSupply is 0", async function () {
- const amountLP = 100
- await expect(pool.amountLPtoLD(amountLP)).to.revertedWith("Stargate: cant convert LPtoSD when totalSupply == 0")
- })
- it("getChainPath() - reverts when local chain path does not exist", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await expect(pool.getChainPath(dstChainId, dstPoolId + 1)).to.revertedWith("Stargate: local chainPath does not exist")
- })
- it("redeemLocal() ", async function () {
- const amountLP = 100
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) // setup chain path
- await pool.activateChainPath(chainId, poolId)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, amountLP) // give them some LP tokens
- await expect(pool.redeemLocal(alice.address, amountLP, chainId, poolId, alice.address)).to.emit(pool, "RedeemLocal")
- })
- it("redeemLocal() - reverts if path is not activated", async function () {
- const amountLP = 100
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight) // setup chain path
- await pool.mint(alice.address, amountLP) // give them some LP tokens
- await expect(pool.redeemLocal(alice.address, amountLP, chainId, poolId, alice.address)).to.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: counter chainPath is not ready"
- )
- })
- it("creditChainPath() - emits event", async function () {
- const amountSD = 99
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await expect(
- pool.creditChainPath(chainId, poolId, {
- credits: amountSD,
- idealBalance: amountSD,
- })
- )
- .to.emit(pool, "CreditChainPath")
- .withArgs(chainId, poolId, amountSD, amountSD)
- })
- it("swapRemote() - emits event", async function () {
- const amountToMintSD = 99
- const srcReward = 5
- const protocolFee = 6
- const dstFee = 7
- const lpFee = 3
- const lkbRemove = 0
- await tokenOne.mint(pool.address, 10000000)
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- const swapObj = {
- amount: amountToMintSD,
- eqFee: dstFee,
- eqReward: srcReward,
- lpFee,
- protocolFee: protocolFee,
- lkbRemove,
- }
- await expect(pool.swapRemote(chainId, poolId, alice.address, swapObj))
- .to.emit(pool, "SwapRemote")
- .withArgs(alice.address, amountToMintSD + srcReward, protocolFee, dstFee)
- await expect(pool.connect(owner).withdrawProtocolFeeBalance(alice.address)).to.emit(pool, "WithdrawProtocolFeeBalance")
- })
- it("withdrawMintFeeBalance() - emits event", async function () {
- const amountLD = 12341234
- const amountToMintSD = 10000000
- const mintFeeFP = 789
- // give the pool some tokens so the inner _safeTransfer works
- await tokenOne.mint(pool.address, amountToMintSD)
- await pool.setFee(mintFeeFP)
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, amountLD)
- await expect(pool.withdrawMintFeeBalance(alice.address)).to.emit(pool, "WithdrawMintFeeBalance")
- })
- it("withdrawMintFeeBalance() - reverts when to address is 0x0", async function () {
- const amountLD = 12341234
- const amountToMintSD = 10000000
- const mintFeeFP = 789
- // give the pool some tokens so the inner _safeTransfer works
- await tokenOne.mint(pool.address, amountToMintSD)
- await pool.setFee(mintFeeFP)
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, amountLD)
- await expect(pool.withdrawMintFeeBalance(ZERO_ADDRESS)).to.revertedWith("Stargate: TRANSFER_FAILED")
- })
- it("redeemLocalCallback() - emits event when _amountToMintSD is > 0", async function () {
- const amountLD = 12341234
- const amountToMintSD = 10000000
- const mintFeeFP = 789
- // give the pool some of the token so the inner _safeTransfer works
- await tokenOne.mint(pool.address, amountToMintSD)
- await pool.setFee(mintFeeFP)
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, amountLD)
- await expect(pool.redeemLocalCallback(chainId, poolId, alice.address, 0, 0)).to.emit(pool, "RedeemLocalCallback")
- })
- it("redeemLocalCallback() - setup to call _delta() where total > _amountSD", async function () {
- const chainId = 6543
- const poolId = 1
- const chainId1 = 6544
- const chainId2 = 6545
- const chainId3 = 6546
- const weight = 1234
- const amountLD = 12341234
- const amountToMintSD = 10000000
- const mintFeeFP = 789
- // give the pool some of the token so the inner _safeTransfer works
- await tokenOne.mint(pool.address, amountToMintSD)
- await pool.setFee(mintFeeFP)
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, weight)
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId1, poolId, weight)
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId2, poolId, weight)
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId3, poolId, weight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, amountLD)
- await expect(pool.redeemLocalCallback(chainId, poolId, alice.address, 0, 0)).to.emit(pool, "RedeemLocalCallback")
- })
- it("redeemLocalCheckOnRemote() - emits event", async function () {
- const amountSD = 12
- const swapAmount = 0
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await expect(pool.redeemLocalCheckOnRemote(chainId, poolId, amountSD))
- .to.emit(pool, "WithdrawRemote")
- .withArgs(chainId, poolId, swapAmount, amountSD)
- })
- it("createChainPath() - emit correct event", async function () {
- await expect(pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight))
- .to.emit(pool, "ChainPathUpdate")
- .withArgs(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- })
- it("setWeightForChainPath() - emit correct event", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await expect(pool.setWeightForChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight))
- .to.emit(pool, "ChainPathUpdate")
- .withArgs(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)
- })
- it("setFee() - emits correct event", async function () {
- const mintFeeFP = 789
- await expect(pool.setFee(mintFeeFP)).to.emit(pool, "FeesUpdated").withArgs(mintFeeFP)
- })
- it("swap() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).swap(dstChainId, poolId, alice.address, defaultAmountLD, defaultMinAmountLD, true)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("swap() - reverts if swapStop called", async function () {
- await pool.setSwapStop(true)
- await expect(pool.swap(dstChainId, poolId, alice.address, defaultAmountLD, defaultMinAmountLD, true)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: swap func stopped"
- )
- })
- it("swap() - reverts if chainPath not active", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await expect(pool.swap(chainId, poolId, alice.address, defaultAmountLD, defaultMinAmountLD, true)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: counter chainPath is not ready"
- )
- })
- it("sendCredits() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).sendCredits(dstChainId, poolId)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: only the router can call this method")
- })
- it("sendCredits() - emits event", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- // it fails because the chainPath not yet activatged
- await expect(pool.connect(owner).sendCredits(chainId, poolId)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: counter chainPath is not ready")
- // activate it
- await pool.connect(owner).activateChainPath(chainId, poolId)
- // input wrong chain id
- await expect(pool.connect(owner).sendCredits(17856, poolId)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: local chainPath does not exist")
- // this would succeed
- await expect(pool.connect(owner).sendCredits(chainId, poolId)).to.emit(pool, "SendCredits").withArgs(chainId, poolId, 0, 0)
- })
- it("redeemRemote() - reverts when _from is 0x0", async function () {
- await expect(pool.redeemRemote(chainId, poolId, ZERO_ADDRESS, 1)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: _from cannot be 0x0")
- })
- it("redeemLocal() - reverts when _from is 0x0", async function () {
- await expect(pool.redeemLocal(ZERO_ADDRESS, 1, dstChainId, dstPoolId, ZERO_ADDRESS)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: _from cannot be 0x0")
- })
- it("redeemRemote() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).redeemRemote(dstChainId, dstPoolId, alice.address, 1)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("redeemRemote() - reverts when trying to burn and totalSupply is 0", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.activateChainPath(chainId, poolId)
- await expect(pool.connect(owner).redeemRemote(chainId, poolId, alice.address, 1)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: cant burn when totalSupply == 0"
- )
- })
- it("activateChainPath() - reverts when called on already activated path", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.activateChainPath(chainId, poolId)
- await expect(pool.activateChainPath(chainId, poolId)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: chainPath is already active")
- })
- it("createChainPath() - reverts when duplicate chainpath tried to be created", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await expect(pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, 1)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: cant createChainPath of existing dstChainId and _dstPoolId"
- )
- })
- it("activateChainPath() - reverts when called on a cp that doesnt exist", async function () {
- await pool.createChainPath(chainId, poolId, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await expect(pool.activateChainPath(chainId + 1, poolId)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: local chainPath does not exist")
- })
- it("redeemLocal() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).redeemLocal(alice.address, 1, dstChainId, dstPoolId, alice.address)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("creditChainPath() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).creditChainPath(dstChainId, poolId, { credits: 1, idealBalance: 1 })).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("swapRemote() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- const swapObj = { amount: 1, eqFee: 2, eqReward: 3, lpFee: 4, protocolFee: 5, lkbRemove: 6 } // dummy object for this test
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).swapRemote(chainId, poolId, alice.address, swapObj)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("redeemLocalCallback() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).redeemLocalCallback(chainId, poolId, alice.address, 1, 1)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("redeemLocalCheckOnRemote() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).redeemLocalCheckOnRemote(dstChainId, poolId, 1)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("createChainPath() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).createChainPath(chainId, poolId, 1)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("setWeightForChainPath() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).setWeightForChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("setWeightForChainPath() - reverts when no chainPaths have been created yet", async function () {
- await expect(pool.setWeightForChainPath(chainId, poolId, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: no chainpaths exist")
- })
- it("setFee() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- const fee = 3
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).setFee(fee)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: only the router can call this method")
- })
- it("setFee() - reverts cumulative fee exceeds 100%", async function () {
- const fee = 10001
- await expect(pool.setFee(fee)).to.be.revertedWith("Bridge: cum fees > 100%")
- })
- it("setFeeLibrary() - sets properly", async function () {
- await expect(pool.setFeeLibrary(fakeContract.address)).to.emit(pool, "FeeLibraryUpdated").withArgs(fakeContract.address)
- })
- it("setFeeLibrary() - reverts by non-router", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).setFeeLibrary(fakeContract.address)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("setFeeLibrary() - reverts library address is 0x0", async function () {
- await expect(pool.setFeeLibrary(ZERO_ADDRESS)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: fee library cant be 0x0")
- })
- it("setSwapStop() - set / emit event", async function () {
- await expect(pool.setSwapStop(true)).to.emit(pool, "StopSwapUpdated").withArgs(true)
- })
- it("setSwapStop() - reverts by non router", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).setSwapStop(fakeContract.address)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: only the router can call this method")
- })
- it("setDeltaParam() - reverts by non-router", async function () {
- const swapDeltaBP = 1
- const lpDeltaBP = 1
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).setDeltaParam(true, swapDeltaBP, lpDeltaBP, true, true)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("setDeltaParam() - reverts if basis points are wrong", async function () {
- const swapDeltaBP = 10001
- const lpDeltaBP = 10001
- await expect(pool.setDeltaParam(true, swapDeltaBP, lpDeltaBP, true, true)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: wrong Delta param")
- })
- it("setDeltaParam() - emits event", async function () {
- const swapDeltaBP = 100
- const lpDeltaBP = 100
- await expect(pool.setDeltaParam(true, swapDeltaBP, lpDeltaBP, true, true))
- .to.emit(pool, "DeltaParamUpdated")
- .withArgs(true, swapDeltaBP, lpDeltaBP, true, true)
- })
- it("callDelta() - reverts by non-router", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).callDelta(true)).to.be.revertedWith("Stargate: only the router can call this method")
- })
- it("withdrawProtocolFeeBalance() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).withdrawProtocolFeeBalance(alice.address)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("withdrawMintFeeBalance() - reverts when called by non Router ", async function () {
- await expect(pool.connect(alice).withdrawMintFeeBalance(alice.address)).to.be.revertedWith(
- "Stargate: only the router can call this method"
- )
- })
- it("withdrawMintFeeBalance() - no event when mintFeeBalance equal to 0", async function () {
- await expect(pool.withdrawMintFeeBalance(alice.address)).to.not.emit(pool, "WithdrawMintFeeBalance")
- })
- it("withdrawProtocolFeeBalance() - no event when protocolFeeBalance equal to 0", async function () {
- await expect(pool.withdrawProtocolFeeBalance(alice.address)).to.not.emit(pool, "WithdrawProtocolFeeBalance")
- })
- it("createChainPath() - x6 and mint() which calls _distribute fees", async function () {
- for (let i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
- await pool.createChainPath(i, i, defaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, 10000)
- }
- })
- it("createChainPath() - x10 and mint() which calls _distribute fees", async function () {
- for (let i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
- await pool.createChainPath(i, i, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, 12341234)
- }
- })
- it("createChainPath() - x50 and mint() which calls _distribute fees", async function () {
- for (let i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
- // 50 connected chains
- await pool.createChainPath(i, i, nonDefaultChainPathWeight)
- await pool.mint(alice.address, 777)
- }
- })
- })